What Is an Atrium ?
The atrium (sometimes also called the centrum) on a cruise ship is the central hub for most cruise ships with things to do, entertainment and even dining options. Usually centrally located, the atrium is where many events and parties are held during the course of a cruise. On some ships, it is also the place you board the vessel on the first day of the cruise.
Key Takeaways
- The atrium is a large open area near the middle of the ship where many events and activities are held.
- Many atriums are ornately decorated.
- An atrium will be many decks high to truly give a sense of openness.
Think of the atrium as a central square for a cruise ship that draws passengers in with beautiful decorations and many things to do throughout the cruise.
The cruise ship version of a city's downtown, the atrium is where you will likely board the ship and find many things to do.
Some atriums can go as high as ten decks, and they are captivating with art work, lighting and murals.
You will also find bars, restaurants, and shops from the atrium.
Cruise lines design the atrium to be eye-catching and a hub of activity. Many scheduled activities will take place in the atrium, where guests can watch the event from different decks and vantage points.