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4 things tourists should know before visiting Europe on a cruise, from a local

Roman ruins in Italy

I'm from Romania and I've traveled around Europe extensively, and no matter where you're from, there are important things to do.

I've seen plenty of tourists make mistakes while traveling around Europe, including people visiting by cruise ship. It's not uncommon, especially by Americans, but I think these are mistakes that can be avoided.

It's worth it to do research before your European cruise to understand the basics. When I visit a new country in Europe, I'll always try to understand their culture more because it can be different from my own.

Here are 4 things I wish more tourists did before they took a cruise to Europe.

Learn a few local words

French sign

I think you will find a lot of people who speak English in any European country you visit, but you should try to learn a few words in their own language to say.

As someone that does not natively speak English, I'm lucky I can still communicate in English in the countries I visit.  However, I still try to say a few basic words in French, Italian, or Spanish.

It is so helpful to learn how to say "good morning," "thank you," and "how are you?" in the language of the country you will visit. In smaller villages this is helpful, and I think the locals like it a lot when tourists try.

Sign in Spain

I was embarrassed when I went to the UK and tried to say hello because of my accent, but no one minded. Even in France, the people I met seemed happy when I said "bonjour" before changing back to English.

If you can try to work on the accent too, that will help.  It's not easy, but Europeans appreciate it.

You don’t need to tip 20%

Euros on a table

In America, tipping is very common but not as much in Europe.

When we have American tourists visit my city, one easy way I can figure out they are from America is how much they tip. 

Servers in Europe are paid better here, so you do not need tip as much.  But, you should still tip a little!

I like to leave a few Euros on the table when I am visiting another country.  

Don't over drink alcohol

Pub in Europe

You might think because everyone can drink alcohol at a younger age in Europe that means it's a big party, but not really.

I think some Americans think the lower age to drink and all the bars means everyone enjoys drinking a lot, but it is not quite like that. When I go out with friends to a pub, we like to have a drink, but nothing like a party.

Europeans mix food and water between their beers or wine so the evening can last longer, and I recommend tourists do the same.

Water fountains are safe to drink from


I was in Italy once and met an American couple and they were shocked I would drink from a fountain.

There are many free water fountains around Rome, and the Italians call it "nasonis". Many of these fountains have a long, simple spout. Older ones have more decorations to them.

Water comes out of it constantly from all of them. In Rome, you can download the Waidy app to find public water fountains near you.

glass of water with ice and lemon

Just do not make the mistake of trying to drink water from the fountains, because that is reused water.

Another difference in Europe is free water is not like in America. Many times if you ask for water, you will be served a bottle of water.  If you want free water, ask for a glass of water. European restaurants probably won’t refill your water glass unless you ask.

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