Cruises are like floating cities. They've got their own housing, entertainment, stores, restaurants, spas and swimming pools, among other amenities that allow them to sustain life at sea. So, it's only logical that you might be wondering if cruise ships have a jail too.
I doubt you're thinking that you might end up in one, but there is a certain morbid curiosity that comes when people learn such places exist.
When you think of a cruise ship, a jail cell is probably not what comes to mind. So it instantly becomes intriguing.
Do Cruise Ships Have Jails

The answer is yes, there is such thing as a cruise ship jail. "But wait," you're thinking. "What is a brig on a cruise ship?"
A brig is a nautical term from the old days of ships, but it's used today.
Modern cruise ships have something called a cruise ship brig, which is the name for a jail on a vessel. They usually consist of just one small room (with a bed and a toilet) that can be locked from the outside to prevent an unruly passenger from escaping in the event that he or she is too intoxicated or dangerous to be out and about.
Although brigs are standard on cruise ships, we're told that they're rarely used. Instead, passengers are often confined to their rooms, with a security guards posted just outside the door, with their onboard spending accounts frozen.
Some ships may not have a brig, but do have a secured room they can put misbehaving guests in when necessary. Another option is for unruly passengers to be put under cabin arrest by the ship's security personnel.
This method can be employed in many instances, whether a passenger needs to sleep off a night of drinking, recover from a contagious illness like norovirus or is awaiting disembarkation for a serious infraction when the ship reaches its next port.
Jail might be the first step before being kicked off the ship

But, again, you might be thinking "Hold on a second. Can you get kicked off a cruise ship?"
The answer to this one is also yes.
Cruise ships have the authority to leave you at the next port of call at your own expense, if deemed necessary. If it's a serious crime, then cruise lines will have local authorities waiting for you.
If you're wondering how to get kicked off a cruise ship, we've compiled a list. When you book a cruise vacation, you actually agree to adhere to their code of conduct:
- Possession of drugs
- Buying alcohol for a minor
- Becoming seriously ill
- Fighting with other passengers or crew members
- Skipping the muster drill
- Public intoxication
- Other inappropriate behavior
Beware: Some of these could cause you to face criminal prosecution in addition to having your vacation cut short.
Passenger safety is at the utmost importance to the cruise industry, so if the cruise ship security team deems you've broken one of the ship's rules, then you could be put in the ship jails. Truthfully, issues like these are rare cases and not common on large cruise ships.
How will the ship's security team know I did something wrong?

There are many security measures on all cruise ships, and the security staff is charged with looking for any problems.
There are CCTV cameras on every deck and in public venues. Each deck of a cruise ship likely has dozens of cameras. Security officers can monitor members of the ship in public areas for minor offenses, security threats, physical threats, and severe crimes.
If a ship security officer notices something happening that is risking the safety of other passengers or general security issues, they will will proceed quickly to speak with the guest and determine the proper thing to do.