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I tried a luxury cruise line most people don't know about and had a surprisingly great time

Oceania Insignia docked

Justin Nelson and his wife recently went on a 7-night Oceania cruise, and he shared his experience with us in this guest post. 

My wife and I are seasoned cruisers. Having traveled by ship for over a decade, we have been given the opportunity to see the world. It has also caused us to expand our horizons when it comes to new cruising adventures. It’s like collecting trading cards, once you get a few of the same cards (or ports) in your collection, your desire to diversify grows.

This recently led us to “embark” on the discovery of Oceania. Oceania is a luxury cruise line owned by Norwegian. It is very small with a handful of well-appointed boutique ships. Recently, we sailed on Oceania Insignia, a mid-size ship with less than 700 passengers built in 1998 and last refurbished in 2018. The passenger-to-crew ratio on Insignia is 1.7 to 1, giving a level of service that pays great attention to the details.

Oceania claims to spend the most money per passenger on food than any other cruise line in the world. In fact, they have trademarked the slogan, “The Finest Cuisine at Sea." That is a tall order to fill, and one we were very curious to experience.

Food on Oceania Insigna

As I said earlier, Oceania is considered a luxury cruise line, and this simply means everything is elevated to a higher standard than your mass market or even premium cruising experience— think chocolates on the pillow at night, Wagyu beef and lobster burgers by the pool, shoes shined by morning, croissants dripping with buttery goodness, and a Maître d who recalls your name and room number without hesitation. You get the picture. It’s like staying in a 5-star hotel that just happens to move around while you are sleeping.

We had some reservations concerning sailing Oceania. The first being the clientele. We are 40-somethings. The average age for passengers on Oceania is 70. Would we fit in? Would we make any connections with the folks on board? Would we be bored with a more laid-back experience? Not only that, but Oceania cruises are expensive, and would that translate into a very stuffy cruise experience? There were several unknowns, but we were up for the adventure. 

Let me begin by saying this cruise was the best we have ever had, and we were thoroughly surprised by every experience.

Surprise #1—The ease of embarkation and debarkation

Oceania Insignia dining room entrance

Getting on and off the ship was a relaxed and casual affair. When entering the Manhattan, New York terminal for your appointed embarkation time, you could have easily thought this cruise was for you and a few of your closest friends. No lines, no rush, no hustle and bustle. 

You simply walk up to the service desk, present the necessary paperwork and ID, take a picture, and you are off to the races. From the time they opened the check-in lanes, ran us through security, and got us on the ship, it was a process of less than 10 minutes. 

Debarkation of the ship was just as easy. There were no giant snaking lines to wait in while thousands were leaving the ship. When the all-clear was given to debark, you walked down to the gangway, scanned your ship card, and you were out the door. It might have taken 5 minutes. I have never experienced that kind of ease in the process of getting on and off a cruise ship. It was phenomenal.

Read more: 10 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid at Cruise Ship Embarkation And Disembarkation

Surprise #2—The condition of the ship

Pool deck on Oceania Insignia

Oceaina Insignia is pushing 30 and she still looks like a supermodel. The 2018 refurbishment was extensive and lends to its fresh feel. Think old-world charm with its hardwoods and marble but accented with modern art and modern soft furnishings. 

Insignia’s interior was less like a cruise ship and more like a bougie boutique hotel without any of the stuffiness. Her 25+ years were never showing. Real wood veneers covered every square inch of the walls in the public spaces giving the ship a feeling of stepping into another world. 

Insignia had a refined elegance to its interiors and a feeling of coziness wherever you found yourself on it.

Surprise #3—The level of service

Oceania Insignia Stairwell

With every cruise line, there is an expected level of service that surpasses the typical one found on land. Cruise ships have always given an elevated experience; however, Oceania takes it to a whole new level. Every time we entered the dining room, the Maître d, without the help of any aid, welcomed us by name and already knew our stateroom number. This set the tone for the whole service experience. 

One evening my wife was wearing a black skirt and the napkins on the table were white. The waiter asked if she would like a black napkin to blend in with her black attire. I am not kidding. The service is off the chain. 

White glove treatment at teatime. Towels on the floor next to your bed at night, European style, so that when you took off your provided slippers to get into bed, your feet didn’t have to touch the carpeting. Yes, that level of service is everywhere. From the stateroom attendants to the bartenders, to the wait staff, everyone was on their A-game.

Read more: 9 most important crew members to meet on your cruise ship

Surprise #4—Oh, the food! 

Food served on Oceania Insignia

You know you’re having an elevated cruise experience when the ship’s buffet is like eating at a specialty dining restaurant. Lobster tail on the buffet? Yes! Caviar-laced canapes on the buffet? Yes! Every conceivable pasta and sauce cooked to order on the buffet? Yes! Yes! Yes! 

Oceania lives up to its claim just in the buffet department alone. My wife and I are real foodies. We both are cooks. We know great food when we see and taste it. Oceania delivers in spades. The surprise came in the quality of the food across the entirety of the ship. From the buffet to the main dining room, poolside bites, specialty dining, and even room service, every single venue was quality, and nothing was below the level of excellent. 

I have never had pool food at that level. Wagyu beef and lobster burgers with truffle mayonnaise. Need I say more? The soups, the sauces, and the sweets were the best we have ever had. Oceania is truly a wonderful culinary experience.

Read more: Cruise Ship Dining Mistakes to Avoid

And lastly, surprise #5—The laid-back casual vibe of the ship and its passengers

Oceania Insigna balcony

Let me dispel your fears. Oceania is not stuffy at all! There is an ease to everything. You won’t find any formal nights. Think country club chic. Every night during dinner I wore slacks and a polo shirt. That was the predominant dress of the men during dinner service each evening. Very few jackets were in sight.

There was also an ease to every event. No pre-sailing reservations for shows, dining, or any event for that matter. You could literally show up at any event 10 minutes late and easily find seating. Even access to the staff had an ease to it. 

In fact, the entertainment staff would enter the dining room and randomly sit down with inviting passengers and strike up a conversation during the evening mealtimes. The officers were seen regularly around the ship and were very at ease in speaking with guests. 

Dining room on Oceania Insignia

And speaking of the guests, they were great. Always eager to strike up a good conversation in the midst of good company. People a little older than us, but young in spirit and generous in their welcome. 

We loved it. Surprisingly, the vibe of the ship was one of ease, and for 7 nights, one great big family. We will travel with Oceania again without any reservations. We loved it!

Read more: Essentials to bring on a cruise

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